The Guidelines require that all patients seeking cosmetic surgery or non-surgical cosmetic procedures be assessed for suitability and underlying psychological conditions such as body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). The Guidelines specify that a validated psychological screening tool must be used to screen for BDD for patients seeking cosmetic surgery. A screening tool is not required for patients seeking non-surgical cosmetic procedures.
No. The medical practitioner who will provide the surgery must assess the patient. This cannot be delegated to another health practitioner/staff member.
No. The medical practitioner who will provide the surgery must assess the patient. This cannot be delegated to another health practitioner.
A patient can complete a screening questionnaire before the consultation, which can be scored by a psychologist (with appropriate patient consent), but the cosmetic medical practitioner must still discuss with the patient to assess for underlying conditions and to determine a patient’s suitability for cosmetic surgery.
A patient can complete a screening questionnaire before the consultation, but the medical practitioner must still discuss with the patient to assess for underlying conditions and to determine a patient’s suitability for cosmetic surgery.
Just as for provision of any treatment or procedure, the medical practitioner must assess the patient for suitability each time they seek cosmetic surgery or a cosmetic procedure. However, the medical practitioner can tailor subsequent assessments based on how long it has been since the last consultation, whether it is a repeat procedure or a different procedure and whether there have been changes in the patient’s health.
A validated screening tool is a tool that has been validated for accuracy and reliability using accepted methods.