This pathway is for specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs) with an international specialist medical qualification on the Medical Board’s Expedited Specialist pathway: accepted qualifications list.
SIMGs seeking specialist registration in Australia.
All IMGs must have a primary qualification in medicine and surgery awarded by a training institution recognised by both the AMC and the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDOMS).
To be eligible for the Expedited Specialist pathway, SIMGs must have a specialist qualification which is on the Medical Board’s Expedited Specialist pathway: accepted qualifications list.
The current specialties on the list are:
The priority specialties and sub-specialities next to be considered are:
More specialties will be progressively added, prioritised by Australia’s health ministers.
This pathway leads to specialist registration.
SIMGs on the Expedited Specialist pathway can apply for specialist registration first. The Medical Board will impose conditions on the SIMG’s specialist registration so they can meet the requirements of the specialist registration standard, including six months of supervised practice, an orientation to the Australian healthcare and cultural safety education.
When these requirements are satisfactorily completed, the SIMG can apply to the Medical Board to have the conditions removed.
SIMGs can apply for registration for both specialist qualifications. Contact Ahpra for further information about the process.
There are different fees charged by different organisations for different purposes.
The medical registration forms are on the Board’s forms page.
The common registration forms are on Ahpra’s registration page.
SIMGs on the Expedited Specialist pathway must complete a period of supervised practice (usually six months). The SIMG will need to submit a supervised practice plan which nominates a supervisor and a proposed specialist position, for the Board to approve.
While you hold conditional specialist registration and are completing the supervised practice, you and your supervisor will need to complete an Orientation report and a Supervised practice report and provide it to the Board after three months’ practice.
At the end of your supervision period (usually six months), you will need to provide a final supervision report when applying to have your conditions removed.
Further supervision information and forms for SIMGs on the Expedited Specialist pathway are on the Board's Supervised practice requirements page.
SIMGs on the Expedited Specialist pathway must complete an orientation to the Australian healthcare system and cultural safety education during their period of supervised practice. These requirements must be included in the supervision plan that you submit to the Board for approval.
You will be required to provide documentary evidence to show that you have completed an orientation to the Australian healthcare system and cultural safety education when applying to have your conditions removed.
More information about the evidence required is in the Board’s Evidence guide: Eligibility for specialist registration.
See the Board’s orientation page and cultural safety education page for more details.
To ensure that the SIMG on the Expedited Specialist pathway is safe, ethical and competent in their specialist practice, the Board requires formal competency assessments to be undertaken against seven domains during the period of supervised practice. The assessments include a multi-source feedback assessment conducted by a Board-approved provider, and one other additional assessment. The additional assessment must be appropriate for the specialty and SIMGS can choose one of a mini-clinical evaluation exercise (Mini-CEX), direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS) or case-based discussion (CBD). You will need to specify the additional assessment to be undertaken as part of your Supervised practice plan.
Forms for the assessments:
For more information about the WBAs, and the forms, see the Board’s supervised practice requirements page.
Registration standards define the requirements to apply for registration and for ongoing registration.
For specialist registrants: Registration standard: Specialist registration (2024).
See also mandatory registration standards for English language, criminal history, CPD, professional indemnity insurance, recency of practice on the Board’s registration standards page.
All SIMGs who have specialist registration on this pathway have a CPD home and do 50 hours of CPD each calendar year.
If you are on this pathway, you will need to include any high-level requirements for your specialty in your CPD program.
You can choose an AMC-accredited CPD home suitable for your scope of practice. This can be a specialist medical college or non-college CPD home. The CPD homes are listed on the About CPD homes page.
General information about CPD is on the Board’s CPD page.
The Medical Board will accept applications for specialist registration from SIMGs who have a qualification published on the Board’s Expedited Specialist pathway: accepted qualifications list and who are currently registered on the Specialist pathway.
If you are a SIMG who is currently registered on the Specialist pathway and you are eligible for the Expedited Specialist pathway and:
If you have an application for limited registration pending when the Expedited Specialist pathway opens (including an application for renewal), Ahpra will contact you to discuss your options.
A list of the specialist medical colleges is available on the Board’s Useful contacts page.
FAQs for SIMGs are on the Board’s FAQs page.
Email your enquiries about the Expedited Specialist pathway.
For all other enquiries please use the Ahpra web enquiry and phone contacts on the Contact us page.