Medical Board of Australia - Current Consultations
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Current Consultations

The Board undertakes wide-ranging consultation on proposals that affect the profession.

Consultation is an important part of the Board’s engagement with members of the medical profession, members of the public and other stakeholders. The feedback provided via consultation is greatly valued, and informs the Board’s development of important documents.

Where there are consultations open for input, they will be shown below. 

Where there are consultations which have closed, they will be shown under Past consultations along with the submissions that were received.

Public Consultation – Health checks for late career doctors

Released: 7 August 2024

Closes: 4 October 2024

The Medical Board of Australia is now consulting on a proposal to introduce health checks for late career doctors.

The Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (CRIS) released by the Board seeks feedback on the effectiveness of current requirements for late career doctors (aged 70 years and older) to manage their health, whether additional safeguards are needed and whether late career doctors should be required to have regular health checks so they can make informed decisions about their health and practice and manage the related risk to patients. The CRIS provides a summary of the Board’s assessment of the impact and costs and benefits of each option.

Making a submission

Feedback is invited from all stakeholders including organisations, medical practitioners, other health practitioners and consumers.

We encourage you to use the Word response template and send your feedback by email to by close of business on Friday 4 October 2024.

The questions in the CRIS and the Word response template are the same. You can respond to some or all of the consultation questions and comment on some or all of the supporting documents contained in the CRIS.

The Board will use feedback to better assess the potential impacts of the proposed options and the most appropriate response. Feedback will be incorporated into the final Decision Regulation Impact Statement that informs the decision whether to proceed with one of the proposed options.

Publication of submissions

The Board generally publish submissions on our website in the interests of transparency and to support informed discussion among the community and stakeholders. Published submissions will include the names of the individuals and/or the organisations that made them, unless confidentiality is expressly requested, or you advise us that you do not want your submission published.

We will not place on our website, or make available to the public, submissions that contain offensive or defamatory comments or which are outside the scope of the subject of the consultation. Before publication, we will remove personally identifying information from submissions, including contact details.

Page reviewed 9/09/2024