This pathway is for specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs), with an international specialist medical qualification which is not on the Medical Board’s Expedited Specialist pathway: accepted qualifications list.
These SIMGs are assessed by the relevant specialist college for comparability to an Australian trained specialist.
SIMGs seeking specialist registration in Australia.
All IMGs must have a primary qualification in medicine and surgery awarded by a training institution recognised by both the AMC and the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDOMS).
To be eligible for the Specialist pathway – specialist recognition, SIMGs must have satisfied all the training and examination requirements to practise in their field of specialty in their country of training.
The specialist pathway is for all recognised medical specialties.
This pathway leads to specialist registration.
SIMGs on the Specialist pathway need to apply for provisional or limited registration so they can complete a period of supervised practice.
When all requirements have been met the SIMG can apply for specialist registration.
There are different fees charged by different organisations for different purposes.
The medical registration forms are on the Board’s forms page.
The supervised practice forms are on the Board’s Supervision page.
SIMGs on the Specialist pathway complete a period of supervised practice lasting between three and 24 months. The specialist medical college determines the length of the supervision period.
The SIMG will need to submit a supervised practice plan with their application for registration and nominate a supervisor, who the Board will need to approve.
While you hold provisional or limited registration and are working towards specialist registration, you and your supervisor will need to complete these reports and provide them to the Board after three months’ practice:
See the Guidelines - Supervised practice for international medical graduates for more detail.
Registration standards define the requirements to apply for registration and for ongoing registration.
For limited registrants:
For specialist registrants: Registration standard: Specialist registration (2024).
See also mandatory registration standards for English language, criminal history, CPD, professional indemnity insurance and recency of practice on the Board’s registration standards page.
If you are on the Specialist pathway - specialist recognition and you have limited or provisional registration, you need to have a CPD home and do 50 hours of CPD each calendar year.
Your specialist medical college will be your CPD home.
General information about CPD is on the Board’s CPD page.
A list of the specialist medical colleges is available on the Board’s Useful contacts page.
The Board has developed Standards: Specialist medical college assessment of specialist international medical graduates. These Standards support specialist medical colleges in conducting assessments of SIMGs and explain what the Board expects of colleges when they are assessing SIMGs.
The Medical Board publishes data on the Specialist pathway collected from the specialist medical colleges.
FAQs for SIMGs are on the Board’s FAQs page.