Medical Board of Australia - FAQ: specialist registration CPD
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FAQ: specialist registration CPD

Practitioner audit for medical practitioners

Medical practitioners registered with the Medical Board of Australia (the Board) need to complete a minimum number of continuing professional development (CPD) hours that are relevant to their scope of practice.

The Board’s continuing professional development registration standard is accessible on the Registration Standards page of the Board’s website. This sets out the Board’s expectations in relation to CPD.

These frequently asked questions (FAQ) answer common questions about CPD.

What is CPD?

Medical practitioners who are engaged in any form of medical practice are required to participate in continuing professional development (CPD). The CPD must be relevant to your scope of practice so you can maintain, develop, update and enhance your knowledge, skills and performance and deliver appropriate and safe care.

CPD must include a range of activities to meet individual learning needs, including practice-based reflective elements, such as clinical audit, peer-review or performance appraisal, as well as participation in activities to enhance knowledge such as courses, conferences and online learning. CPD programs of medical colleges accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) meet these requirements.


Practitioner with specialist registration who participated in a college CPD program

You must submit documentation and evidence to substantiate your declaration when you renewed your registration, that you have met the standards for CPD set by your relevant college. This is a requirement of the Board’s CPD registration standard. For most college programs, this means the calendar year ended 31 December. The Australasian College for Emergency Medicine program runs a financial year from 1 July to 30 June.

There are 15 accredited medical colleges. Your specialty is covered by one or more of these colleges.

As you participated in a relevant college CPD program you must demonstrate that you met the requirements of that program.

An AHPRA audit is the same as if you were audited by your relevant college.

As college programs run on different cycles with different requirements, three examples are given below:

A. When your college has a CPD program that concluded at 31 December, you must demonstrate you have met the full requirements of that program. For example:

CPD cycles concluding 31 December  Evidence required 
Annual program  You must demonstrate that you met the requirements of the annual program. 

B. When your college has a 2, 3, or 5 year CPD program that has annual minimum requirements, you must demonstrate either:

CPD cycles  Evidence required 
Annual minimum requirements  You must demonstrate that you met the minimum annual requirements. 
2, 3, or 5 year program that concludes in the year under audit You must demonstrate that you met the all of the program requirements. 

C. When your college has a 2, 3, or 5 year CPD program with no annual minimum requirements, you will be required to demonstrate the activities you have completed to date. Your full CPD activities program will be assessed the next time you renew your registration.

Each college CPD program clearly sets out their CPD requirements. The tables below summarise the requirements.

Australasian College for Emergency Medicine

Visit the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine website.

Audited in:  CPD evidence requirements for the year ending 31 December 
  • Must demonstrate the triennium requirement (2014 - 2016) of 150 hours with documented evidence AND
  • 3 core skills by performance only AND
  • 10 unique scope of practice skills
2019 Must demonstrate the annual minimum requirements of 50 hours, with documented evidence, AND 3 core skills by either performance, or teaching or supervision.
2020 Must demonstrate the annual minimum requirements of 50 hours, with documented evidence, AND 3 core skills by either performance, or teaching or supervision.

Australasian College of Dermatologists

Visit the Australasian College of Dermatologists website.

Audited in:  CPD evidence requirements for the year ending 31 December 
2017 Must demonstrate the biennium requirements (2015 - 2016) of 200 points (with no more than 160 points per year towards the total), with documented evidence. Regarding mandatory category requirements please refer to the College’s website.
2018 Must demonstrate the annual minimum requirements of 40 points with documented evidence.
2019 Must demonstrate the biennium requirements (2017 - 2018) of 200 points (with no more than 160 points per year towards the total), with documented evidence. Regarding mandatory category requirements please refer to the College’s website.

Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Physicians

Visit the Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Physicians website.

Audited in:  CPD evidence requirements for the year ending 31 December 
2017  Must demonstrate the triennium requirement of 150 points, with documented evidence, from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2016. 
2018 or 2019 Must demonstrate the annual minimum requirements of 50 points with documented evidence.

Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists

Visit the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists website.

Audited in:  CPD evidence requirements for the year ending 31 December 
2017  Must demonstrate the triennium requirement of 80 OR 180 credits with documented evidence from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2016. Refer to table below.
2018 or 2019 Must demonstrate the annual minimum requirements of 15 OR 30 credits with documented evidence. Refer to table below.

Anaesthetist requirements by practice type – Annual Minimum 1 January to 31 December

Practice type  Annual CPD evidence requirements for the year ending 31 December 
Clinical  CPD Plan and 30 credits with documented evidence.
Non interventional  CPD Plan and 30 credits with documented evidence.
Non clinical  CPD Plan and 15 credits with documented evidence.
Retired (but not fully retired)  CPD Plan and 15 credits with documented evidence.
Fellow residing overseas  ANZCA CPD Standard.
Note: the standard is not the CPD program. 
Any other medical practitioner who pays to participate in ANZCA program  CPD Plan and 30 credits with documented evidence.

Anaesthetists requirements by practice type – 1 January 2014 - 31 December 2016 triennium

Practice type  Triennial minimum requirements  Required credits and activities 
Clinical  Category A and B: Practice Evaluation
Must include 2 activities from mandatory Category A 
100 credits 
Clinical  Category: Knowledge and Skills  80 credits 
Clinical  Category: Emergency Response Activities  2 activities 
Clinical  CPD plan  ✔ 
Clinical  End of triennium self-evaluation ✔ 
Non-interventional  Category A and B: Practice Evaluation.
Must include 2 activities from mandatory Category A. 
100 credits 
Non-interventional  Category: Knowledge and Skills  80 
Non-interventional  CPD plan  ✔ 
Non-interventional  End of triennium self-evaluation  ✔ 
Non-clinical  Category: Knowledge and Skills  80 
Non-clinical  CPD plan  ✔ 
Non-clinical  End of triennium self-evaluation  ✔ 

Pain Medicine specialist requirements by practice type

Pain Medicine Specialist Type  CPD requirement: primary speciality with college CPD program  Mandatory ANZCA categories 
Clinical  Primary College CPD Program:
  • Anaesthetist – ANZCA
  • Surgeon – RACS
  • Physician – RACP
  • Psychiatrist – RANZCP
  • Rehabilitation physician – RACP.
  • Category 1 practice evaluation
  • Category 2 knowledge and skills
  • Category 3 emergency response
Non-interventional  Primary College CPD Program:
  • Anaesthetist – ANZCA
  • Surgeon – RACS
  • Physician – RACP
  • Psychiatrist – RANZCP
  • Rehabilitation physician – RACP.
  • Category 1 practice evaluation
  • Category 2 knowledge and skills

Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine

Visit the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine website.

Audited in:  CPD evidence requirements for the year ending 31 December 
2017 2014-16 PDP Certificate of Compliance.
2018 Annual PDP Statement only.
2019 Annual PDP Statement only.

College of Intensive Care Medicine

Visit the College of Intensive Care Medicine website.

Audited in:  CPD evidence requirements for the year ending 31 December 
2017 Must demonstrate 2016 activities, with EITHER a CICM Statement of Participation 2016/17 Cycle OR the CPD Online Diary for 2016.
2018 Must demonstrate the biennium requirement of 100 points with documented evidence and the minimum points required in the 3 categories from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2017.
2019 Must demonstrate 2018 activities, with EITHER a CICM Statement of Participation 2018/19 Cycle OR the CPD Online Diary for 2018.

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Visit the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners website.

Audited in:  CPD evidence requirements for the year ending 31 December 
2017 2014-16 Quality Improvement and Continuing Professional Development Program (QI&CPD) Triennium Certificate.
2018 Triennium credit quality improvement and continuing professional development program point statement for the 2017-2019 CPD triennium.
2019 Triennium credit quality improvement and continuing professional development program point statement for the 2017-2019 CPD triennium.

Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators

Visit the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators website.

Audited in:  CPD evidence requirements for the year ending 31 December 
2017 or 2018 or 2019 Must demonstrate the annual minimum requirements of 25 OR 50 hours with documented evidence. Refer to RACMA website.
2020 Must demonstrate the triennium requirement of 75 OR 150 hours from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2020 with documented evidence. Refer to RACMA website.

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists

Visit the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists website.

Audited in:  CPD evidence requirements for the year ending 31 December 
2017 or 2018 or 2019 Must demonstrate either:
  • 80 points including 30 points, with documented evidence, from Clinical Expertise Level 2 or
  • 50 points (if retired or part-time) with documented evidence.

Royal Australasian College of Physicians

Visit the Royal Australasian College of Physicians website.

Audited in:  CPD evidence requirements for the year ending 31 December 
2017 or 2018 or 2019 Must demonstrate 100 credits with documented evidence. 

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

Visit the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons website.

Audited in:  Surgical Practice Type  Must demonstrate 
2017 or 2018 or 2019 Operative – hospitals/day surgery units 
  • Category 1: A peer reviewed surgical audit and participation in audit of surgical mortality where appropriate
  • Category 2: 10 points, with documented evidence, from Clinical Governance and Evaluation of Patient Care
  • Category 3 and 4: 60 points, with documented evidence, from Performance Review, and or Maintenance of Knowledge and Skills
2017 or 2018 or 2019 Operative – rooms only 
  • Category 1: A peer reviewed surgical audit and participation in audit of surgical mortality where appropriate
  • Category 3 and 4: 60, with documented evidence, points from Performance Review, and or Maintenance of Knowledge and Skills
2017 or 2018 or 2019 Operative – locum only 
  • Category 1: A peer reviewed surgical audit and participation in audit of surgical mortality where appropriate or
  • Category 1: Maintain logbook of surgical procedures where peer reviewed audit not available
  • Category 3 and 4: 60 points, with documented evidence, from Performance Review, and or Maintenance of Knowledge and Skills
2017 or 2018 or 2019 Clinical consulting (non-operative) Category 3 and 4: 60 points, with documented evidence, from Performance Review, and or Maintenance of Knowledge and Skills
2017 or 2018 or 2019 Other – research, administration, academic, teaching, assisting  Category 3 and 4: 30 points, with documented evidence, from Performance Review, and or Maintenance of Knowledge and Skills 

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Visit the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists website.

Audited in:  CPD program type Must demonstrate 
2017 Paper Must demonstrate 150 points, with documented evidence, over a 3-year period. A minimum of 25 points obtained in the Practice Review and Clinical Risk Management (PR&CRM) category.
2017 Online Must demonstrate 150 points, with documented evidence, over a 3-year period. A minimum of 25 points to have been obtained in Practice Audit and Reflection (PAR) activities.
2018 Paper Must demonstrate 150 points, with documented evidence, over a 3-year period. A minimum of 25 points obtained in the Practice Review and Clinical Risk Management (PR&CRM) category.
2018 Online Must demonstrate 150 points, with documented evidence, over a 3-year period. A minimum of 25 points to have been obtained in Practice Audit and Reflection (PAR) activities.
2019 Paper Must demonstrate 150 points, with documented evidence, over a 3-year period. A minimum of 25 points obtained in the Practice Review and Clinical Risk Management (PR&CRM) category.
2019 Online Must demonstrate 150 points, with documented evidence, over a 3-year period. A minimum of 25 points to have been obtained in Practice Audit and Reflection (PAR) activities.

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

Visit the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists website.

Audited in:  CPD evidence requirements for the year ending 31 December 
2017 or 2018 or 2019 Must demonstrate that RANZCP requirements have been met with documented evidence. 

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists

Visit the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists website.

Audited in:  CPD evidence requirements for the year ending 31 December 
  • Radiologist - must demonstrate the minimum requirements of 30 points, with documented evidence, in any CPD category completed from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 towards the 180 points required for the 2016-18 triennium.
  • Radiation Oncologist - minimum 25 points, with documented evidence, in Category 1 - Practice Review and Appraisal, completed from 1 Jan 2016 to 31 Dec 2016 towards the 150 points required for the 2016-18 triennium.
  • Radiologist - must demonstrate the minimum requirements of 30 points, with documented evidence, in any CPD category completed from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 towards the 180 points required for the 2016-18 triennium. 
  • Radiation Oncologist - must demonstrate the annual minimum requirements of at least 25 points, with documented evidence, in Category 1 – Practice Review and Appraisal, from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017.
  • Radiologist - must demonstrate the triennium requirement of 180 points, with documented evidence, with points accrued in a minimum of 3 categories from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2018. 
  • Radiation Oncologist - must demonstrate the triennium requirement of 150 points, with documented evidence, with points accrued in a minimum of 3 categories from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2018.

Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia

Visit the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia website.

Audited in:  CPD evidence requirements for the year ending 31 December 
2017 or 2018 or 2019 50 hours, with documented evidence, including a minimum of 20 hours per category A and B, with 10 hours per category C with 2 different activities per category. 

Each college CPD program clearly sets out the categories and documentary evidence you must submit to substantiate your claim. All evidence you provide must be in the format required by your relevant college.

Each college CPD program states:

  • the maximum and minimum number of points/ credits/ or hours that must be achieved in the program and in each category
  • the specific college requirements per category.

You must provide the following documentation to AHPRA:

If you were:  You must provide: 
  • NEITHER a participant in RACGP, nor ACRRM, AND
  • have not had your activities audited by your college:
  • a document from the college that lists the categories, the date the activity took place and the correct number of points/ credits/ or hours claimed AND
  • copies of documented evidence that supports the stated activities claimed. Please don’t send original documents to AHPRA.
You will only need to provide evidence for the minimum number of points/ credits/ or hours required by the college CPD program. Auditors will not examine documentation in excess of the minimum requirements.
ACRRM participant  You must provide copies of either:

  • Current PDP Activity Statement for annual audit OR
  • the triennium 2014-16 Professional Development Program (PDP) Certificate of Compliance
You do not need to produce any other evidence.
RACGP participant  You must provide copies of either:

  • Current Credit Point Statement for annual audit OR
  • THE TRIENNIUM2014-16 Quality Improvement and Continuing Professional Development Program Certificate
You do not need to produce any other evidence.
Where your college has audited your previous year’s activities:  You must provide copies of either:

  • letter of unsuccessful audit together with evidence needed to meet the remaining college requirements, OR
  • letter of successful audit OR
  • [RCPA and ACSP only] letter of successful audit and evidence of CPD activities in categories that were not audited.
You do not need to produce any other evidence.

A college certificate of completion often shows that you have claimed the minimum credits/ hours/ or points needed to complete the CPD program. The certificate does not show that the activities claimed have been verified.

The only acceptable college completion certificates are from RACGP and ACRRM. Only these colleges verify 100% of every participant’s CPD activities. If you participated in the following college program you must provide the following evidence:

Medical College  Acceptable Evidence 
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 
  • Current Credit Point Statement for annual audit OR
  • 2014-16 Quality Improvement and Continuing Professional Development Program Certificate (if audited by AHPRA from 1 January 2017) OR
  • 2017-19 Quality Improvement and Continuing Professional Development Program Certificate (if audited by AHPRA from 1 January 2020)
You do not need to produce any other evidence.
Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine 
  • Current Professional Development Program (PDP) Activity Statement for annual audit OR
  • 2014-16 Professional Development Program (PDP) Certificate of Compliance, (if audited from 1 January 2017) OR
  • 2017-19 Professional Development Program (PDP) Certificate of Compliance, (if audited by AHPRA from 1 January 2020)
You do not need to produce any other evidence.

A statement of participation shows that you are enrolled and participating in the college CPD program. It does not show that you have met the program requirements with documented evidence.

If your college has audited your previous year’s activities then you may provide your letter of:

  • unsuccessful audit together with evidence needed to meet the remaining college requirements
  • RCPA and ACSP only - letter of successful audit and evidence of CPD activities in categories that were not audited.
  • successful audit as acceptable evidence according to the table below.
Medical College  Acceptable College Audit Evidence 
Australasian College for Emergency Medicine  Letter of successful audit 
Australasian College of Dermatologists  Letter of successful audit 
Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine  Current PDP Activity Statement for annual audit OR triennium Professional Development Program (PDP) Certificate of Compliance
Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Physicians  Letter of Audit AND evidence of CPD activities in categories that were not audited by the college
Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists  Letter of successful audit 
College of Intensive Care Medicine  Letter of successful audit 
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners  Current Credit Point Statement for annual audit OR triennium Quality Improvement and Continuing Professional Development Program Certificate
Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators  Letter of successful audit 
Royal Australasian College of Ophthalmologists  Verification audit completion letter
Royal Australasian College of Physicians  Letter of successful audit confirmation 
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons  Letter of successful audit 
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists  Verification feedback letter 
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists  Feedback letter of successful audit
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists  Audit Feedback Letter 
Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia  Letter of Audit AND evidence of CPD activities in categories that were not audited by the college 

Practitioner with specialist registration who did NOT participate in a college CPD program

There are 15 accredited medical colleges. Your specialty is covered by one or more of these colleges and will be called ‘your relevant college’.

You must submit documentation and evidence to substantiate the declaration you made when you renewed your registration that you have met the standards for CPD set by your relevant college. This is a requirement of the Board’s CPD registration standard. For most college programs, this means the calendar year ended 31 December. The Australasian College for Emergency Medicine program runs a financial year from 1 July to 30 June.

You have a personal obligation to demonstrate that you have met the standards for CPD set by your relevant college. AHPRA is not able to provide college requirements directly to you. Each college decides how practitioners can access their CPD requirements.

You must meet the requirements of your relevant college CPD program whether or not you participated in that program.

You must demonstrate that you met the requirements of the relevant college CPD program. As college programs run on different cycles with different requirements, three examples are given below:

A. When your college has a CPD program that concluded at 31 December, you must demonstrate you have met the full requirements of that program. For example:

CPD cycles concluding 31 December  Evidence required 
Annual program  You must provide full documentary evidence to demonstrate that you met the minimum requirements of the annual program, including:

  • a completed Board approved cover sheet and a document that lists the categories, the date the activity took place and the correct number of points/ credits/ or hours claimed AND
  • copies of documented evidence that support the stated activities.
  • Please don’t send original documents to AHPRA.
The coversheet is accessible on the Audit page of the Medical Board of Australia website.

You will only need to provide evidence for the minimum number of points/ credits/ or hours required by the college CPD program. Auditors will not examine documentation in excess of the minimum requirements.

B. When your college has a 2, 3, or 5 year CPD program that has annual minimum requirements, you must demonstrate either: 

CPD cycles  Evidence required 
Annual minimum requirements  You must demonstrate and provide full documentary evidence that you met the minimum annual requirements, including:

  • a completed Board approved cover sheet and a document that lists the categories, the date of the activity and the correct number of points/ credits/ or hours claimed AND
  • copies of documented evidence that support the stated activities.
  • Please don’t send original documents to AHPRA.
The coversheet is accessible on the Audit page of the Medical Board of Australia website.

You will only need to provide evidence for the minimum number of points/ credits/ or hours required by the college CPD program. Auditors will not examine documentation in excess of the minimum requirements.
2, 3, or 5 year program that concludes in the year under audit  You must demonstrate and provide full documentary evidence that you met all of the program requirements, including:

  • a completed Board approved cover sheet and a document that lists the categories, the date of the activity and the correct number of points/ credits/ or hours claimed AND
  • copies of documented evidence that support the stated activities.
  • Please don’t send original documents to AHPRA.
The coversheet is accessible on the Audit page of the Medical Board of Australia website.

You will only need to provide evidence for the minimum number of points/ credits/ or hours required by the college CPD program. Auditors will not examine documentation in excess of the minimum requirements.

C. When your college has a 2, 3, or 5 year CPD program with no annual minimum requirements, you must demonstrate the activities you have completed to date.

The table below sets out the college CPD requirement and the evidence AHPRA requires you to submit.

If you are a:  Medical college  CPD evidence requirements 
Emergency Medicine Specialist  Australasian College for Emergency Medicine  Must demonstrate 50 hours, with documented evidence, AND 3 core skills by either performance, or teaching or supervision. Please refer to college CPD requirements.
Dermatologist  Australasian College of Dermatologists  Must demonstrate a minimum of 40 points, with documented evidence, annually from 1 January to 31 December with mandatory Categories required. Must demonstrate for the biennium, with documented evidence, a minimum of 200 points (with no more than 160 points per year will be counted towards the total), including the mandatory Categories required. Please refer to college CPD requirements. 
Sports Physician  Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Physicians Must demonstrate the annual minimum requirements of 50 points, with documented evidence. OR

Must demonstrate, with documented evidence, the triennium requirement a minimum of 150 points with an annual requirement of 50 points. Please refer to college CPD requirements.
Anaesthetist or Pain Medicine Specialist  Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists  Must demonstrate the annual minimum requirements of 15 or 30 credits, with documented evidence. Please refer to college CPD requirements.

Must demonstrate the triennium requirement of 80 OR 180 credits with documented evidence. Please refer to college CPD requirements.
GP (General Practitioner)  Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine


Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 
Annual PDP Statement only OR a triennium PDP Certificate of Compliance only


Annual Credit Point Statement only OR a Quality Improvement and Continuing Professional Development Program (QI&CPD) Triennium Certificate only.
Intensive Care Specialist  College of Intensive Care Medicine  Must demonstrate either annual or biennium activities, with documented evidence, including a minimum 20 points for each of Activity Group 1, 2 and 3. Please refer to college CPD requirements. 
Medical Administrator  Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators  Must demonstrate the annual minimum requirements of 25 or 50 hours, with documented evidence. OR a triennium minimum requirements of 75 or 150 hours. Please refer to college CPD requirements. 
Ophthalmologist  The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists  Must demonstrate annually a minimum of 80 points, with documented evidence, completed from 1 January to 31 December, including 30 points from Clinical Expertise Level 2, or 50 points if retired or part-time. Please refer to college CPD requirements. 
Physician Royal Australasian College of Physicians  Must demonstrate the annual minimum of 100 credits, with documented evidence from 1 January to 31 December of each year. Please refer to college CPD requirements. 
Surgeon  Royal Australasian College of Surgeons  Must demonstrate requirements have been completed annually according to surgical practice type from 1 January to 31 December of each year, with documented evidence. Please refer to college CPD requirements. 
Obstetrician or Gynaecologist  Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists  Paper:
Must demonstrate 150 points, with documented evidence, over a 3-year period. A minimum of 25 points obtained in the Practice Review and Clinical Risk Management (PR&CRM) category.
Must demonstrate 150 points, with documented evidence, over a 3-year period. A minimum of 25 points to have been obtained in Practice Audit and Reflection (PAR) activities 
Psychiatrist  Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists  Must demonstrate that RANZCP annual requirements have been completed from 1 January to 31 December of each year, with documented evidence. Please refer to college CPD requirements. 
Radiologist or Radiation Oncologist  Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists  Must demonstrate either:
  • Radiologist - minimum 30 points annually, with documented evidence, in any CPD category completed from 1 January to 31 December towards the 180 points required for the triennium completion date.
  • Radiation Oncologist - minimum 25 points, with documented evidence, in Category 1 completed from 1 January to 31 December towards the 150 points required for the triennium completion date.
Pathologist  Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia  Must demonstrate a minimum of 50 hours, with documented evidence, completed from 1 January to 31 December including:
  • a minimum of 20 hours per Category A, B
  • a minimum of 10 hours per Category C and
  • 2 different activities per category

Each college CPD program clearly sets out the categories and documentary evidence you must submit to substantiate your claim. All evidence you provide must be in the format required by your relevant college.

Each college CPD program states:

  • the maximum and minimum number of points/ credits/ or hours that must be achieved in the program and in each category
  • the specific college requirements per category.

You must provide:

  • a completed cover sheet that outlines the categories and the correct number of points/ credits/ or hours claimed AND
  • copies of documentation to show activities claimed. Please don’t send original documents to AHPRA.

The coversheet is accessible on the Audit page of the Medical Board of Australia website.

You will only need to provide evidence for the minimum number of points/ credits/ or hours required by the college CPD program. Auditors will not examine documentation in excess of the minimum requirements.

Page reviewed 9/05/2023