Medical Board of Australia - Cosmetic surgery complaints hotline now open
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Cosmetic surgery complaints hotline now open

05 Sep 2022

Patients who have been harmed by cosmetic surgery can now report their concerns to a hotline, which opens today. They can do that confidentially if they choose. 

Key points
  • A hotline for cosmetic surgery complaints is now open on 1300 361 041. It will be operated during business hours by a specialised team within the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra).
  • The hotline will make it safer for patients too scared to otherwise report harm. They can do that confidentially if they choose.
  • It will also make it easier for practitioners to make mandatory or voluntary notifications as required when they know about significantly unsafe practice.
  • It is one of the actions Ahpra and the Medical Board of Australia committed to following the release of the independent review into cosmetic surgery last week.

The public can call 1300 361 041 during business hours (AEST) Monday to Friday to report their experiences to a specialised team supporting the newly established Cosmetic Surgery Enforcement Unit. This team understands the challenges for patients who are unsure about whether to report their experiences and where to report their experiences. The team can help them to share relevant information and guide them through the process. The hotline is also available to make it easier for practitioners to make notifications when they know about specific unsafe practice in cosmetic surgery.

The hotline is one part of the response by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) to the Independent review into the regulation of medical practitioners who perform cosmetic surgery. It will make experienced staff available to ensure patients can tell Ahpra about unsafe practice in the cosmetic surgery industry.

‘We want patients to use the hotline, as well as registered health practitioners, so their concerns can be investigated. When we know about poor behaviour and unsafe practice, we can act,’ Ahpra CEO, Martin Fletcher said.

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Page reviewed 5/09/2022