More than half Australia’s doctors in training did the 2020 Medical Training Survey (MTS). A huge thanks to every one of those 21,000 doctors, who together have created a solid evidence base for continuous improvement.
The MTS data are rich and provide fascinating insights. In broad terms, 2020 results are consistent with 2019 MTS data. There’s a lot going well in medical training in Australia and we’re doing a lot of things right to keep producing doctors who can provide patients with high quality care.
There’s also serious work for us all to do to improve the culture of medicine. For the future of our profession, we must listen to what thousands of trainees have told us and collectively prioritise the work needed to build a culture of respect. We must keep our trainees safe and make it safe for them to speak up. An urgent and shared commitment to this across medicine and the wider health sector will lead to safer patient care.
Dr Anne Tonkin Chair, Medical Board of Australia
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The Medical Training Survey (MTS) is a national, annual, profession-wide survey of all doctors in training in Australia. It is confidential and safe for doctors in training to take part. The MTS asks doctors in training about their experience of medical training across a range of domains including:
In 2020 there were also questions about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on training.
The MTS is led by the Medical Board of Australia and Ahpra. It was developed with the help of many others including doctors in training, specialist medical colleges, jurisdictions, postgraduate medical councils, Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association, Australian Medical Council, Australian Medical Association, Medical Council of New South Wales and Doctors’ Health Services.
The MTS provides robust national data that will help improve and strengthen medical training. It runs each year in August and September.
There’s a lot going well in medical training in Australia, according to more than 21,000 doctors in training.
A snapshot of results in 2020 shows:
Bullying, harassment and discrimination
Revised questions about the culture of medicine in 2020 paint a clearer and disappointing picture. The 2020 MTS results confirm that there is a lot still to be done both in medicine and the wider health sector.
For the future of our profession and the safety of our patients, we must all listen to what the thousands of trainees have told us and work together to build a culture of respect in healthcare.
Impact of COVID-19
Questions in 2020 asked about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The results of the MTS are presented unadorned. As promised, we have prioritised confidentiality and results are only published when there were 10 or more responses.
You can access the 2020 results in a series of static reports or with an online reporting tool, available on the MTS website.
You can access the MTS results online now.
Published reports
You can read the results in the form of static reports, which present data by year, state and territory, specialist medical college and type of doctor in training.
Create your own report
Use the online dashboard to create your own report.
You can select filters, choose to see the data as a graph or in a table, and output your report in either PDF or PowerPoint.
You can track year-on-year results and compare your hospital site or specialty with the national average.
Select as many filters as you want, switch on the national average option if you want to see how the areas you’ve selected are faring compared to the national response. Statistical differences are shown when you’re using filters and comparing results, year-on-year.
We’ve prioritised safety and confidentiality, and only report on results when there were more than 10 responses.
We’ve also made a short video with tips on using the interactive data dashboard that helps you create your own reports. Watch the video or read the User guides, and access the dashboard on the MTS website.
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