Medical Board of Australia - Short term training in a medical specialty pathway
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Short term training in a medical specialty pathway

The short term training in a medical specialty pathway is for international medical graduates (IMGs) who are overseas-trained specialists or specialists-in-training wishing to undertake a short period (usually up to 24 months) of specialist or advanced training in Australia.

This pathway does not lead to registration as a specialist in Australia. IMGs seeking to qualify for specialist registration apply for registration via the specialist pathway - specialist recognition.


IMGs who have a primary qualification in medicine and surgery awarded by a training institution recognised by both the Australian Medical Council and the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDOMS) and who have satisfied all the training and examination requirements to practise in their field of specialty in their country of training or who are no more than two years away from completing their specialist training overseas, can apply for assessment under this pathway (short term training in a medical specialty pathway).

To be eligible for the short term training in a medical specialty pathway, the IMG must have completed their specialist training or be no more than two years away from completing their specialist training overseas. In addition, an IMG must have secured an offer of a training position, prior to applying to the Board for registration via this pathway.

Primary source verification

Before applying for the short term training in a medical specialty pathway, IMGs must apply to the Australian Medical Council (AMC) for primary source verification of their qualifications.

The AMC verify qualifications through the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) Electronic Portfolio of International Credentials (EPIC). 

Further information is available on the AMC website

How to apply for the short term training in a medical specialty pathway

Under this pathway:

  • the IMG secures a training position 
  • the IMG must apply to the Australian Medical Council (AMC) for primary source verification of their medical qualifications 
  • the IMG applies directly to the relevant college using an MBA application form for assessment by a specialist medical of their suitability for a training position (AAMC-30 Application for assessment by a medical college) 
  • the specialist medical college assesses the suitability of the training position for the specific applicant 
  • the IMG applies to the Board for ‘Limited registration for postgraduate training or supervised practice’. NOTE: If you also meet the eligibility criteria of the competent authority pathway, you apply for provisional registration and not limited registration.

IMGs with limited or provisional registration must work under supervision. Further information about supervision is available on the Supervision page.

Further information

For more information about this pathway see:

Page reviewed 28/08/2023